Introduction to Selenium
Components of Selenium: IDE, RC, WebDriver, Grid
Introduction to WebDriver
WebDriver interface and its methods.
How to launch different browsers using Selenium
Launching ur!
Introduction to WebElements
Finding WebElements using different locator strategies
Introduction to XPATH
Absolute vs Relative XPATH
Writing Dynamic XPATH
XPATH functions
Q XPATH Axeses
Reporting: Extent Report/TestNG Report/Allure Report
Framework designing using Core Java and REST Assured
Introduction to CSSSelector
Functions of CSSSelector
Different symbols of CSSSelector
Handling Radio buttons, Checkboxes, links, and buttons
Handling dropdown using Select class
Handling Windows and Frames
Handling Alerts and Popups
Waits in Selenium (Implicit and Explicit)
Handling Mouse and Keyboard actions
Robot class
Exceptions of Selenium
Taking Screenshot using Ashot and Selenium
File upload and download using AutoIt