Introduction to Java
Installation of Java on Windows and Mac
Data Types and Operators
Writing first Java program
Introduction to class
Control Statements (For, while, do while, for each, etc.)
Array (Single Dimension, Multi-Dimension). Array
Introduction to blocks and methods.
Object Oriented Programming Concepts
Data Hiding
Abstraction o Polymorphism
Singleton Pattern
Exception Handling
Checked vs Unchecked Exception
Handling Exception using try-catch
a throws keyword
Collection Framework:
Different Interfaces of Collection
Methods of Collection
Methods of List Interface
Methods of Set Interface
Methods of Queue Interface
Intro to ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, their methods and constructors Intro to HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet
Intro to PriorityQueue, BlockingQueue Intro to Map interface and its methods
to HashMap, LinkedHashMap, and TreeMap
Iterators in Collection
Comparable and Comparator